A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Path to Joy

I read these words yesterday and have been thinking about it for a long time:

"No one is ever really happy. The main thing is not being unhappy. Be content and you'll
never be unhappy."

Not always easy, but true I think. Contentment is what I strive for...what is happiness anyway? Hearing my kids laugh, seeing them have fun, laughing at something totally funny, not caring what others think, etc. But that often goes away as soon as someone starts to be a bugger, or things don't go my way (!) Happiness comes and goes, but being content means accepting things as they are, things we can't change (or aren't willing to change) and working with it, moving on...actually creating joy, when it seems there can't be any---difficult, but possible (with the grace of God). I know that lasting joy doesn't come from me...it must be supernatural.

Contentment isn't "settling" I don't think; but "accepting." It's what we need for each stepping stone on the path. Wishing you "contentment" on your journey today, whatever it may be...

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