A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Friday, March 27, 2009

My beautiful girl...

Lydia stopped long enough for a photo this morning...all it took was for me to style her hair and tell her how pretty she is. Any girlie is ready for a pic after that! :)

After pondering that point, isn't that what all girls want...to be told they are pretty, and often? And, if that is so, why are guys such slobs in noticing and attempting to offer some genuine compliments??

Lydia LOVES to call attention to herself when she has on pretty clothes or her hair done...she will seek out any of the four guys in the house and say,

"See? see my hair? Mommy did my hair" or "Look my clothes!"

Typically, the male brains around here are fixated on some other topic and ignore her.

"Psst!" I hiss, "She's talking to you ___! Tell her she looks pretty," I whisper, as they stare obliviously into a book or leap around on the couch.

"What?" they reply, "Oh, yeah Lydi you look pretty..." and then return to their fascination du jour.

She scampers off, smiling happily that someone "noticed". I, on the other hand, sigh at the scene--ugh, so wrong! Can anything be done?!

NOTE: This post is not meant to bash my guys; just a friendly female observation :) In fact, I do know someone who is perfectly observant to beauty and is always full of compliments and sincerity....my Dad :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quotes from a 3 Year Old

As he's wearing an alien mask and flying a Lego creation through the kitchen, Ben sincerely says,
"Mom, I'm tired. I think it's because my feelings hurt. I'm ready for bed." :))

"Oh really, where are your feelings? Where do you hurt?" I probed.

He was quiet for awhile. "Mom, where are my feelings?" he asked.

That's a tough one! Ready with my three year-old explanation, I said,

"Well, they are here and here," pointing to my heart and my head.

"Here and here? OK." and he ran off holding one hand over his cheeks and one on his neck!

Awww...totally sweet. Luckily that was all the explanation he required. I didn't have the energy to explain that feelings don't cause physical pain and make you tired....well, wait...yes they can I guess in certain circumstances. Perhaps his three year-old thoughts are not so basic after all...

Friday, March 20, 2009

OK, Spam on my Blog??!!

In an effort to assist my family and friends in posting comments more easily, I have unknowingly invited some snooty stranger in to post spam ads on my blog...how rude and creepy! So, the commenting may be more difficult now, as I'll have to go back to moderating them.

Splash Time

The last Hurrah of Spring Break...Splash Time at Legacy Park. This time with five kids, as Sam has been pleading all week to have his buddy Phillip over. It all worked out okay, and they were even brave enough to go down the water slide.

As I trailed Lydia around the fountains, I gazed longingly up at the treadmills and weight sets. Haven't gotten to work out since Jason broke his arm and had knee surgery in January---that whole series of events really crushed my workout momentum (as he claimed the four kids would be too much for someone with a broken limb and bum knee?)!

Maybe once out of my cold medication fog, I'll escape there for an hour or two. After this week, maybe a long soak in the hot tub too :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fever, Chills, and the Zoo?

In my ongoing quest to achieve some kind of non-existent "super-mom" status, I managed yesterday to attempt something totally ridiculous....the Zoo! Maybe it was to raise my ratings on the Mommy meter due to the sickness that has left me drooping around, or perhaps it was the remnant of Tylenol PM in my system or the various other cold/cough remedies that I had taken...whatever it was....that made me flippantly mention a trip to the zoo. WHAT was I thinking?? Once the words leave your mouth though, you can't take them back or you are a Mom who doesn't keep her promises...

So yesterday with chills, a fever, and a vicious-sounding cough, I slapped together PBJ's and tossed some juice boxes in a bag. I am not too proud to admit that I was crying by the time we left, frustrated that I am sick during a week that should be fun, and peeved that a sick Mom can't find any rest or sympathy.

Sam..."Mom why are you sighing?"
Me..."I'm not sighing, that's just me trying to breathe..."

They try to be compassionate, but can only muster up a few child-like attempts.."I know you're sick mom, but the zoo will be SO fun!" What?

I managed to get a grip on myself, hoping that the 80 degree weather would make me snap out of it...until we reached the zoo. I guess everyone else in KC had the same thought...Hot Weather + Spring Break = Zoo. No parking, people in green shirts everywhere. I almost drove away...but remembered the mission, to make my kids happy :)

In short, we ate our picnic, saw a couple of animals, and spent most of the time dodging other people's strollers. I have noticed that my boys have become quite the "people watchers"---they were more interested in gawking at those on the OUTside of the cages, rather than those on the INside. I could hardly blame them...it was an interesting crowd to say the least; and those kind of places always brings out the best in people :) I spent most of the time answering their questions about why people said or did such-and-such...maybe we need to get out more? Actually, I think they are just getting good at spotting fools :)

Thankfully I was rescued by mentioning ice cream (an offer on purpose this time). Little did they know my crafty plan! No Dippin' Dots at the zoo at this time of year. So, the end result? Smiles for them and an escape plan for me, as we had to drive to Dairy Queen :)) Blizzards and NyQuil for dinner anyone? I may get that "super mom" status before the week is over...ugh, tomorrow I promised pancakes!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mama Bear Finally Gets Sick

I've been avoiding the kids' sick germs for the past 6 weeks...but, supplements can save you only until you let your guard down. The virus has finally caught me and it looks as if I may start my Spring Break with chills, fever, a stabbing soreness in my larynx, and pressure in my middle ears. :(( The others are getting better, but Ben is sick along with me. Yesterday I coaxed him outside, and he and I enjoyed some much needed sun to heat our bones and gain a little natural vitamin D :)

As Mommies don't have much time to be sick, the sight of green grass and Spring bulbs peeking through the ground was enough to keep me going (half-way). We managed to sow some grass seed and bake a chocolate sheet cake for Jason....hopefully he won't take the germs back to NY with him---nothing adds to the misery like being sick away from home :(

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Weekend Away, Mid-Terms, Sick Boys, and a Time Change

This week we are in survival mode and I have a new-found appreciation for single moms who are commuting, taxi-ing, scheduling, achieving in the workplace, and attempting to produce four brilliant, well-nourished children!

It hasn't been that bad being the only adult in the house; but, I am WAY outnumbered. My strategy has been---prioritize! Priority number one is correct math homework and reading assignments for Sam (he takes most of the energy---that Saxon grade 4 math requires a lot of focus!). Priority two is food...some sort of healthy grub! And number three is BEDTIME, with brief moments of hugs/kisses/a bit of rocking/and reading the bedtime literature as quickly as possible, so I can flip off the lights :)) No, it probably isn't that frantic...but, it feels a bit like that in my mind. Then I try to escape from Ben (who is lurking around staircases and corners) so that I can finish up on crucial computer work.

This week's "after-kids-go-to-bed-task" has been creating my mid-term exam---definitely difficult to do with a 3 year-old on your lap (with his blankie and fat stuffed duckie!). I'm not sure WHAT I was thinking when I scheduled the exam the week after State Convention AND the time change! I feel like I lost some parts of my brain at the Lake, and what is left are black holes that are sucking the rest of my intellect into infinity! Hopefully I will recover soon...

The kids are recovering from a fun-filled weekend with G'ma and G'pa in Tipton....I'm glad that I didn't know, but the boys spent their time riding motorcycles, shooting BB guns and bow and arrows with G'pa; while Lydia played girlie-girl with G'ma....she got her first head of pink, puffy curlers :) I always hated those things; but she seemed willing to overlook the discomfort in order to enjoy the curls and the beauty attention!

A big THANKS and a kiss to my Mom and Dad who also took care of a very sick Jack! AND came up to KC Monday to take him to the Doc. He's recovering, but appears to have Mono-like symptoms...I recall those days...SUPER-tired. He sleeps nearly all day and night...very sad. But, I think he may be feeling better; because he's starting to annoy us again with goofy attention getting devices :)

Overall, I can't WAIT until Spring Break next week---I need some time to do nothing :))

Comment of the week...from 3 year-old Ben who is recently intrigued by his size, in comparison to adults.

He keeps asking me if my hands are big, if he's big, etc....yesterday, he was watching me pick up some clutter and said, "Mom! You are getting huge...just HUGE!" Ummm...thanks? Luckily, I think that he was comparing our heights :)) He seems to believe that I will keep growing! Sorry to disappoint little buddy, but five-foot is all....someday you will be towering over me and I will be saying "you're getting huge!"
That day will come sooner than I think :(

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Packing, Packing :((

Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! Packing is my worst chore ever....something about it is just wrong. I can't put my finger on it. The whole process of it makes me dread my trip for some reason. But, it's almost done, so I guess I can go to sleep for a few hours and enjoy the upcoming weekend.

Maybe I can squeeze the gym and a massage into my Tan-Tar-A stay in between conferences and a presentation? Doubtful, but I'm prepared for a treadmill or great running weather, even if my sneakers never make it out of the bag!

Fun :) ---four kids going to Grandma's, me going to the Lake!
Not Fun :( ---packing all of life's necessities for four kiddos and me (only to come back on Sunday exhausted, with chores to be done, and ready for a vacation!)...See? There is something wrong with that!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Budding "Super-Diva" or Strong-Willed Two Year-Old?

Well, I think I'm in trouble. It has been a battle of the wills around here for the last two days---I'm starting to wonder if I'm winning! The boys fought the homework last night, acting like a couple of goons; and today, Lydia seems to think that she runs the house. Not only does she not mind getting into trouble, she almost seems to enjoy being disobedient...just to see what will happen. Just now she started to draw in one of my books. She DID ask first; but as soon as I said "no" she peered over her glasses at me and started scribbling away grinning. I cannot STAND that! First, books and pencils don't mix. And second, two-year old overtly naughty girls are trouble!

In addition, we are starting to have emotionally freaky Diva problems....very simple ones, but it is emerging!

The last two days, she has become VERY opinionated about the clothing choices that I'm offering. I believe in choices, especially when it's about what you will be seen in...but this is getting ridiculous :)

I usually say "what do you want to wear today?" mainly just to humor myself and hear some two year-old conversation about the closet contents. But yesterday, I just picked an outfit without asking (and I'll admit, it wasn't my favorite either; but was mildly cute and available). As soon as I started to put it on her, she looked at it and pushed it away.

"No, it's really CUTE," I gush.
"No shirt! No cute Mommy!"

Well...it went on from there and wasn't pretty. She ended up wearing the outfit, but only after MANY tears and sobs "no cute, no cute!" "no sweater, yucky sweater!" LOL!! I really felt sorry for her, because it really wasn't that cute :) But, we were in a hurry and no time for finding something more stylish.

With tear stained cheeks, she went to Aunt Andrea's in a pastel blue and pink outfit (REALLY not her colors). I left feeling guilty, knowing that I hate to wear certain things too, especially things that are unflattering.

So....is it that my daughter really has a fashion sense? or maybe just 2, and willing to battle it out? Probably the latter. But, I will say, she DOES get excited about animal prints and bright sassy colors...so, maybe a Diva in the making! Right now, however, she is howling ever so dramatically at Ben over the Batman costume....a girl needs options, I guess. Yesterday, a pastel dud outfit; tonight, a super-hero!