A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Friday, January 2, 2009


Gift giving should be special, but is many times stressful for the purchaser and also the mom trying to teach her children the art of accepting gifts. My little people are currently at the stage of learning thankfulness and appreciation for any gift received (no matter what their expectation was).

Sam has learned it pretty well, Ben is excited about anything, Lydia is clueless and just happy with the wrapping; but six-year old Jack was a challenge this year. Several times I had to remind him of his place in the world and that his presents could easily disappear if he continued his complaining and ungratefulness. I was really frustrated, which turned to worry as I imagined what he was going to be like as an adult if he didn't change! Finally, after the last round...victory and a transformation! He apologized and put on a happy (and thankful) face.

I don't like going to battle, but constantly find myself faced with a new character challenge every day. So I put on my armor. Yesterday alone I heard, "Mom ruins everything!" about six times---I was beginning to feel sorry for them, but then took heart...it IS my job to ruin their fun if that means keeping them from disfiguring their brother or putting their eyes out with a mishandled BB gun!

So, I am left to be the nagging safety hound until they are more responsible (when will that be?) The problem is finding balance between over protectiveness and logical safety/preventative measures! My wise neighbor has always told me, that when they are little "If you feel like a mean mamma, then you are probably doing the right thing." I don't know if this will always apply, but with unreasonable little ones, I have found it to be very sage advice.

Despite being thankful for ALL of the blessings of the season, here are the favorites that are now found in my home...

Sam---Star Wars Wii game, mini helicopter that flies in the house
Jack---Bat Man Lego Wii game, helicopter that I'm dodging in my living room
Ben---Ben Ten watch
Lydia---no special preferences, a two-year old loves everything
Me---a new luscious scent, Euphoria
Jason---gun/reloading parts :0 *!@#

Now, for some January organizing....

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