A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Monday, January 5, 2009

In Defense of Calvin...

Just to humor myself... :-)

I realize that in the last few years, Calvin has experienced a bit of tarnish by being seen relieving himself on various items, which is posted on the back of some vehicles (strange and tacky, I always say, but on to the point)...

I will just say, that Calvin is being misrepresented and in fact, his image is being used in ways that were not his creator's intention. While Calvin is a bit expressive in his own way, these images are the result of outright plagiarism and misuse of someone elses' creation.

So take heart if you are offended by those images of Calvin, that he is truly a sweet (and a bit naughty) little boy; who is best understood by reading what he (and Hobbes) have to say and by observing the creativity of his artist, not how others portray him on the back of their 4 x4 ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Those Calvin decals are out of control! The most vulgar one I saw was of him urinating on the words "ex-wife." Really, classy guy? Hard to believe you couldn't keep a woman around.
