Boarding the "fastest" train |
Today is the day that we are able to visit Vivian's orphanage. We must travel to Luoyang to apply for her Chinese passport and then will drive across the city to see where she spent three and a half years. Our guide doesn't think I should take her in...we'll see. I think she should go in and then see that she is leaving with us, but the guide doesn't seem keen on that.
First action item, complete the adoption. Yesterday we signed a "24-hour" agreement, which basically allows you to take them overnight while the papers are processed. The adoption was "official" yesterday, but today we go to sign additional documents and pick up the official adoption decree (which is needed to secure the passport).
They have a new subway in the city, which is a very proud feature at this time. She then proceeded to tell us about the trains, which was a little humorous. It went a little something like, "We have a train system that goes throughout the city. it is very nice and really connects, making shorter time to commute...but we aren't taking that train, because we have a fast train. it cuts the time in half and is very nice. it's so wonderful to have that type of train system here....but we aren't taking that train, because we have an even faster gets you to the next city in 28 minutes" We thought we were taking the "fast" train, but alas, we were to be on the "fastest" train...who knew there were three types to choose from? I think fastest is best.
Getting comfy on the train...note: that was NOT our Coke...was left behind by someone else and she was a little miffed that she couldn't have it |
Sitting behind the distracted van driver |
He seemed to have more electronics and navigation systems than the FAA! |
On the train tonight back to Luoyang, she was the most animated we've seen her, playing imitative verbal games with me and actually talked to us! She even waved her tiny little hand at Jason from across the aisle and said "Ni Hao Baba" (Hello Daddy). It was so sweet. She's starting to warm up :) She let me know what kind of food and drink she wanted by pointing to things (requesting) and would also point out things to me in the train or station and comment on them. So sweet! I even got a belly laugh from tickling her and her calling out "Mama" to have me pick her up. So much different from the serious stares that we got yesterday. She's starting to show her personality....yay!
Feeding herself and her little friends' photos with pretend food |
She was so sweet this morning, playing with her dolls. She pretended to feed them and then looked through her picture books, found a picture of her friends in the orphanage and pretended to feed them in the photo. It was so precious and also sad....she misses her friends.
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