Ready to leave KC! Wait, did we remember Mommy? Is she still in the shower? |
As I frantically scurried around today, prepping my house for the grandparents to come and leaving the boys well-equipped with all of their necessities, making last minute purchases, giving haircuts, washing up every single bit of laundry, completing our banking transactions and bill paying for the next 3 weeks, I decided to go out and visit my horse.
The big guy has been a little neglected by us for the past few weeks and I just had to see him before we left. Lydia and I took out a big bag of apples and some molasses treats for him and his friends. Beau was so glad to see us! Can't wait for spring when we can ride again...Vivian will love him (hopefully!) It was a great visit and we were also able to say good-bye to our dear friends and horse buddies.
As I drove home to pick up a Z-pack (oncoming sinus infection!), dilemma #1 one surfaced. I called Jason to request the hundredth errand/favor for the and confirm the flights. I had already checked this a.m. and all was well, but we wanted to do e-check in. After 45 minutes of waiting in the CVS line, anxiety began to creep in...we still hadn't really packed and were leaving in 12 hours! Everything was sort of set out and waiting, but I had not yet placed things in bags or arranged things strategically. My new carefree way of thinking was coming back to bite me...I pushed down the anxiety as we left the huge pharmacy line, thinking all was going to be fine. However, as I drove, Jason called....his announcement came through the ceiling of the SUV like a heavy brick...our flights had been cancelled!
Thankfully, we booked with the sweetest, most diligent travel agent I have ever met. She is so calm, kind, and eager to get people going AND understands adoption trips. Once your trip is mapped out, there is not a whole lot of room for messed up travel plans...which would mean missing connecting flights in China, then delays in meeting up with your child, processing paperwork, etc.
Keeping busy in the Beijing airport waiting to transfer to Zhengzhou |
Thankfully Sue didn't shame me, and thankfully she set to work once again doing magic with the flight system reservations. The problem was that now all people booted off were trying to get other flights and also were trying to avoid bad weather in the northeast. She feared that we might not get in until Sunday (which would mean no travel recovery day and meeting Vivian the very next morning).....nearing panic mode.
I managed to calm myself. My new mantra "it will all work out" was quickly spiraling through my head.....set to playback loop mode. Over and over, "it all works out" "everything works out" "shift your thinking and experience the solutions"
Doing some stretching after the 12+ hours of flying! |
Dilemma #2...packing was a little more challenging than I remember! I have traveled to China twice, once to get baby Lydia, and again with 3 of the kids. We must have tossed out a few suitcases since then, because as I went to pack the bag situation was ridiculous. There was no way things were going to fit into the bags we had AND I needed to do some serious purging of non-essential stuff! Blah, again!!
The clock ticked, the hours passed, 1 a.m. and after a trip to the store to buy another suitcase (!) the bags were packed, weighed, purged, weighed again, items shifted around, etc. Finally by 2 am. it was done, Jason had vanished (sleeping) and I set to work typing out instructions for my parents of the boys' 2 upcoming weeks. Panic settling in again and procrastination bug biting me in the butt! We were to leave in 1.5 hours and I still had docs to copy and to get myself ready for the long 30 hours of travel....BLAH!!
Somehow, in some way, everything DOES in fact work out....I do my very best work in panic mode..the adrenaline push is most effective for my best work. We made it out of the house at 3:30 a.m. and off to the my knowledge I have not forgotten a thing and have every single thing I need for this trip!
3 hour layover in Beijing...writing in her journal |
In the ALL worked out and we made our flight. Happy stop step closer to our little one.
Finally! After nearly 30 hours of travel, we are at the hotel at midnight...hope to sleep in! |
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