A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Monday, January 4, 2010

Is This Florida?

Well, I should have known. My chance to get to Florida and they are experiencing record lows! Lows are in the 30's and highs in the 50's. The orange and strawberry crops are suffering along with me.

Because I'm not basking on the beach, my aunt is fretting over how to entertain me. She has missed her calling, I think. She should have been a tour guide or activity director! I have taken the ultimate driving tour of South Florida, which has included every boutique, views of every condo/hotel and every beachfront restaurant, monstrous mansions, and every palm tree :) I smile and bear the "go go going..." but really want to convince her that I am even more content bundling up to walk the beach or just sit and stare out at the ocean. She insists that I must see every inch.

Drove down to Naples yesterday. Alot of people like to gawk at houses the size of hotels (lived in by two persons, I'm sure), but I find it rather sad and wasteful. It is terrible that many people find their self-worth in how huge their house is or making sure that their yacht is bigger than the neighbor's. Also sad, is seeing women who have nothing better in life to do than meet at the club, "do lunch," or entertain on their boat. This is what I saw in Naples...I'm not impressed by that kind of thing. I sound harsh don't I? Hey, I love beautiful things (who doesn't) and I also love leisure; but, I also like my typical (read, not extravagent) life! I love to meet people that are so humble and charitable that you would NEVER know that they are absolute millionaires...they earn my admiration :)

Almost time to leave the ocean. It is the one place on Earth that takes my breath away and somehow speaks to my soul. It is so beautiful and fun, yet so vast and dangerous. In fact, I'm really not sure why I wasn't born in La Jolla or Newport Beach or someplace salty like that...it's not fair! I miss Cali!

Back to the family soon. I'm ready (I think). Starting to get anxious about all that I need to do, making it difficult to relax and enjoy. When that starts to happen, you know it's time to go home :) Be home soon to 5 degrees...hope my car starts at the airport...it's just not right :(((

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