A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Visiting the Pandas

The highlights of the zoo were as follows: the lazy Pandas, banyan leaves, learning tai chi with a sword, cheap soveneirs, and photo opportunities! The Pandas were a hit, Lydia especially enjoyed them (she slept through them last year). The boys were fortunate enough to be shown some tai chi moves from a kind man who was practicing with swords. The boys went over to watch him, and he invited them over to show them how to do it---it was great!

Lydia with one of our guides, Alice.

Again, the boys are requested in a photo.

Lydia cheesing with her pinwheel. The local women were selling soveneirs, which parents were immediately wary of, as the women pushed them into the kids' hands as we got off of the bus (we knew there was a pricetag attached to their "generosity"). I was the first to buy when I found out the treats were only a quarter! In the States, zoo treats are out of the question for us--too expensive. Here, we got a panda puppet, pinwheels, and wooden swords for super cheap (not that great quality, but put smiles on little faces) :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Kemper Family!!

    I love reading and seeing pictures of what Sam K. is learning. I can't wait to see the Tai Chi moves, without the swords! I am looking forward to hearing a description of the Yangtze River--it has been described in some children's books I have read. I think of your family often.

    Mrs. Mercer
