A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Packing is a very difficult task for me. I am a poor decision maker, not wanting to commit until the last possible minute. Ordering in a restaurant can take forever, planning an event is torture, and decisions on the spot usually make me look like I'm an idiot! Due to this decision-making problem, packing is very time consuming and requires alot of brain power for me, which ultimately gets put on hold because I just don't want to think about it!

Right now our living room is full of four suitcases with random clothing selections draping over the sides, and several backpacks with necessity items pouring out. That seems to be my method of tackling it---throwing everything (plus more) in, until the mounds in the suitcase look obviously ridiculous, then I go through a couple more times, weeding out unnecessary items, adding more crucial items, and basically sitting there staring at it all with a feeling of defeat.

I DO have the boys' and Lydia's clothes/items packed; but my clothes still need order and Jason has put in only the bare essentials. I know it will get done somehow, but we leave in two days! Many of the extra items are a repeat from last year...but now, we have three kiddos with us, so the need for more snacks, entertainment items, and warm clothing for Beijing. And, I have added several items for the children in the orphanage---toys, clothes, and stickers, etc.

I can't wait to spend time with those little ones, longing to give some extra joy to their hearts. I think I've said before that Fuling has a wonderful orphanage, with directors and staff that truly care for the children and their well-being. And, the parent group is unbelievable! They raise thousands of dollars for the orphanage that helps to cover things that the government funding can't...like the beautiful new building that the children will move into, surgeries for the kids, training for the ayis, etc. It is exciting that we will get to be a part of this event and be with the group of parents that make all of this happen. Donations now are being collected for playground equipment for the new location and other various items, like new beds for the special needs children.

I also know that the orphanage staff is probably working very hard to make things look great when we get there...in China, appearances are everything. And from some things said during our Gotcha Day, I'm not sure how much to believe of what they say (we only spoke with the nannies, as it was a Sunday). So, I hope to get more clarification about Lydia's life while we are there...I still have unanswered questions...or got answers that I don't think were quite accurate, as they sometimes tell you what you'd like to hear. We'll see what happens with that!

I could write forever....the suitcases are staring at me...


  1. Your flight is almost at an end. We've been thinking about you all day and hope the flight was a good one. I know the boys(and Dolores) must have been excited. Looking forward to seeing Ben tomorrow and the rest of the gang. We'll check in to see how things went with you. Love ya!

  2. I commented on Friday evening just before you should have landed but it didn't appear. Perhaps I did something wrong. I know you are busy. How was the wall, boys? We went to church this morning and had lunch there. Andrea does well with five little ones. Matt killed a bobcat yesterday. I don't think they have seen many deer.

  3. Sam and the Kemper family,
    The third grade class at Whitefield remembered you this morning. We hope that it is going well.
    We miss you!!

    Mrs. Mercer for the class
