In all, we have SEVEN birthdays this month (including both the Pickens and Kemper sides). Add in Easter and Grandparent's Day at WA and we are super busy this month!
I enjoyed my b-day doing some of my favorite things---browsed in an antique shop and a used book store, went out to eat (people watching and chatting over a glass of wine), and ended with a bit of shopping (a new swim suit). Don't think that my whole day was this relaxing though...all of this was after I gave 4 haircuts, did 5 loads of laundry, Jason smoked a brisket, I finalized the taxes, AND arranged the Easter Bunny treats! OH, and made the requested breakfast for my niece and nephew who spent the night...pancakes and bacon! Am I crazy? I did have a nice day celebrating my older age....I make it a habit to forget how old I am, so it is quite nice to have "my day" with no thought to age :)

Lydia is enjoying the birthday celebrations. She loves watching others be happy and is content to be a part of any type of action even if it is not focused on her!

Jack continues to be our serious, yet goofy boy. He had a hard time on Sam's birthday, lamenting that he wasn't getting enough attention! On a birthday, that's a bit unreasonable; but on regular days though, if any child creates guilt in my heart, it is him!
I enjoyed my b-day doing some of my favorite things---browsed in an antique shop and a used book store, went out to eat (people watching and chatting over a glass of wine), and ended with a bit of shopping (a new swim suit). Don't think that my whole day was this relaxing though...all of this was after I gave 4 haircuts, did 5 loads of laundry, Jason smoked a brisket, I finalized the taxes, AND arranged the Easter Bunny treats! OH, and made the requested breakfast for my niece and nephew who spent the night...pancakes and bacon! Am I crazy? I did have a nice day celebrating my older age....I make it a habit to forget how old I am, so it is quite nice to have "my day" with no thought to age :)
Ben loves his fat duckie and blankie. He's our only "Linus" child. None of the others would commit to any particular stuffed friend! Duckie even joins Ben at dinner and enjoys being allowed to sleep in Mommy's bed on occasion :)
Lydia is enjoying the birthday celebrations. She loves watching others be happy and is content to be a part of any type of action even if it is not focused on her!
Jack continues to be our serious, yet goofy boy. He had a hard time on Sam's birthday, lamenting that he wasn't getting enough attention! On a birthday, that's a bit unreasonable; but on regular days though, if any child creates guilt in my heart, it is him!
As the "middle" he does get gypped quite a bit, because the personalities and ages of the others require a lot of attention. He is very self-sufficient and can occupy himself, so he does get less "intervention"---needs less correction, more independent. I hate to say, but it does take special effort in making sure he doesn't get overlooked because he's so low-maintenance! He does let us know if he's feeling left-out though...usually an all out blow-up that lasts several hours (which is what happened on the evening of Sam's b-day) :)
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