Ben's constant monologue blab tonight goes like this,
"Hey, what are you doing out of your box?!" (mixed with a few other funny lines).
Uh, too much "Toy Story 2" lately?? A totally cute movie. I'm partial to the classic, Mr. Potato Head. However, I'm starting to feel like a guilty toy who is trying to escape from the playroom every time he tosses the line at me...then I think, "Hey I can get out of my box whenever I want!" Poor toys...controlled by the kids :))
A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Gift of the Robin
For the past three years, robins have made their nests in our window ledges. Typically, they have chosen right outside of Sam's bedroom window. This year, she chose my window. I always wonder why they don't select a nice tall tree, or someplace more private. We are quite loud, especially when the boys discover them and are constantly bothering her at the window, with their noses smashed into the glass.
Have you ever fully watched a bird make her nest from start to finish, lay her eggs, sit on them, and have little birdies outside your window, until they are able to fly away? It truly is an interesting and exciting thing to experience---and we have three times! The process really is quite short. She finished her nest last weekend while I napped (I heard her patting mud, twigs, and dried grasses into a bowl shape, which kept me awake). By the end of the week, there were four eggs in the nest---one or two each day. Within another week or so, they will hatch and we will watch her bringing food to them. Within another couple of weeks, they will turn from fuzz to feathers and one-by-one, she will push them from the nest.

Momma robin is quite patient, determined, organized, and plans everything just perfectly. She cares for the birdies carefully, but also runs a "tight-ship"! and soon, boots them out and is on her own again. She does ALL of this within a couple months time. How thankful I am that I get so much more time with my little ones before I "boot them out." Why didn't God make me as efficient as a momma bird? That's why I need more time I guess...surely about 18 years is enough to get these little ones in shape and ready for the world?
As I have watched her each day, I am reminded that my time with my kids is fleeting. They are growing and maturing faster than I will ever become the most proficient or perfect mom---but, I am inspired by the robin! Efficiency, productivity, and nurturing are being modeled for me right outside my window. Even in the storms, she is content as long as her babies are safe and by her side. Ah yes, during those times, productivity ceases and is unimportant. She sits quietly waiting for the storms to pass; she knows that the sun will come out tomorrow and she will again be busy. But for now, she watches the rain and waits....resting and watching over them.
Have you ever fully watched a bird make her nest from start to finish, lay her eggs, sit on them, and have little birdies outside your window, until they are able to fly away? It truly is an interesting and exciting thing to experience---and we have three times! The process really is quite short. She finished her nest last weekend while I napped (I heard her patting mud, twigs, and dried grasses into a bowl shape, which kept me awake). By the end of the week, there were four eggs in the nest---one or two each day. Within another week or so, they will hatch and we will watch her bringing food to them. Within another couple of weeks, they will turn from fuzz to feathers and one-by-one, she will push them from the nest.
Momma robin is quite patient, determined, organized, and plans everything just perfectly. She cares for the birdies carefully, but also runs a "tight-ship"! and soon, boots them out and is on her own again. She does ALL of this within a couple months time. How thankful I am that I get so much more time with my little ones before I "boot them out." Why didn't God make me as efficient as a momma bird? That's why I need more time I guess...surely about 18 years is enough to get these little ones in shape and ready for the world?
As I have watched her each day, I am reminded that my time with my kids is fleeting. They are growing and maturing faster than I will ever become the most proficient or perfect mom---but, I am inspired by the robin! Efficiency, productivity, and nurturing are being modeled for me right outside my window. Even in the storms, she is content as long as her babies are safe and by her side. Ah yes, during those times, productivity ceases and is unimportant. She sits quietly waiting for the storms to pass; she knows that the sun will come out tomorrow and she will again be busy. But for now, she watches the rain and waits....resting and watching over them.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Last night I enjoyed a quick stroll through the neighborhood. I refused to let any kids fact, I think they were all in bed EARLY! I took the opportunity to escape and what I experienced while I walked to clear my mind, was an overwhelming Spring greeting :)
The air was damp and warm/cool, with a brisk breeze. The smell of freshly cut grass and wet earth was mingled with the sights of bright pastel color in every branch---light green leaf buds; creamy white, lavender and hot pink blossoms. Birds chirped in the distance and lawnmowers hummed into the early evening while it was still light. Every sense was immersed in Spring and I realized again, "yes, spring is definitely my favorite." Only at this time of the year, are we surrounded by the visuals of a fresh start, new beginnings, and blooming life!
My walk was cut short, as the sky started to grumble; and throughout the night I was lulled by the steady stream of water falling from the sky....what a peaceful sound. Today was a day made for sleeping in. Gray, thunder, wetness...the perfect day for cuddling up with a warm drink, a long book, and napping the day away. Unfortunately, that type of day has vanished from my life. The last time I had a day like that was vacationing in San Diego several years ago with no kiddos...ah, serenity!
The air was damp and warm/cool, with a brisk breeze. The smell of freshly cut grass and wet earth was mingled with the sights of bright pastel color in every branch---light green leaf buds; creamy white, lavender and hot pink blossoms. Birds chirped in the distance and lawnmowers hummed into the early evening while it was still light. Every sense was immersed in Spring and I realized again, "yes, spring is definitely my favorite." Only at this time of the year, are we surrounded by the visuals of a fresh start, new beginnings, and blooming life!
My walk was cut short, as the sky started to grumble; and throughout the night I was lulled by the steady stream of water falling from the sky....what a peaceful sound. Today was a day made for sleeping in. Gray, thunder, wetness...the perfect day for cuddling up with a warm drink, a long book, and napping the day away. Unfortunately, that type of day has vanished from my life. The last time I had a day like that was vacationing in San Diego several years ago with no kiddos...ah, serenity!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Viennese Strawberry Cream Cake
Sam's b-day was 3 weeks ago and we just now rounded up the family to get together. Poor kid!
Party planning and organization are really not a strength for me...the kids are lucky if I can pull it all together---cake, people over, food, and gifts---it's overwhelming. Can't we just put a candle in a bowl of ice cream, sing and call it a great day? Just kidding, I do love to make them happy; just stressful for me.
This time was even more frantic, because Sam
would not decide on a cake until that day. He was going to go with the old standby "Grandma Muenks' Chocolate Sheet Cake" because he felt sorry for me that I might not have time to create something else. BUT, I knew that he had been analyzing my new 2-inch thick Cake Cookbook, the glossy prints making him drool and dream of sweet treats. He literally sat in the kitchen for an hour, flipping through the pages, reading the ingredients and imagining beautiful cakes, chatting about them as he went---kind of strange, but warmed my heart. How, then, could I settle for chocolate sheet cake?!
So, with 3 hours until guests arrived, I purchased all of the ingredients to prepare the "Viennese Strawberry Cream Cake." The picture looked beautiful and the ingredient list was long (including 2 tablespoons of kirsch, which set me back $12 a bottle for those 2 T.!). Several steps later, I had the sponge cake in the oven and was
beginning to puree strawberries for the syrup. It was going well...or so I thought!
My mom arrived just in time to help make the kirsch syrup, which was to soak up in the cake. After a few minutes she heard me wailing that the cake "just doesn't look right." My mom is quite the experienced cook/baker and announced that "no" it didn't look right at all. Instead of a puffy spongecake, I had crepes in the oven!
After I practically threw the pans across the room, my mom jumped into high gear. She knew just what went wrong---too little whipping of the batter and not quite right sequence of steps. Hmmm, "don't over beat" and "don't under beat" which is it?! I was trying to be kind to the eggs and not create a tough cake :)
So, leave it to my mom; she had a new spongecake whipped up in no time, prepared the syrups/gelatin mixtures and arranged the thing. A Mom who can save the day, while the guests are arriving, without batting an eye, is wonderful indeed---I am blessed!
And, so is her crepes for his birthday cake. Her creation was delicious!
Above pics...Sam got a new guitar with instructional DVD. He is actually quite good..after a few hours, I could start to hear some strumming that sounded a bit like a song ?!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Celebrating Our Savior
Happy Resurrection Day!

My bunnies had a hard time being agreeable for pics today. Coordinating clothes and everything, but a few scowls and growls!

My bunnies had a hard time being agreeable for pics today. Coordinating clothes and everything, but a few scowls and growls!

Lydia was excited to learn that she, too, had an Easter basket. The boys were hollering about theirs and she was happy to watch. Then they told her to go look in hers "huh? my basket?" EB brought her a beautiful black haired fairy doll. Asian-looking dolls are extremely har
d to find; so, it was a must when I saw it.
Birthdays and More Birthdays

In all, we have SEVEN birthdays this month (including both the Pickens and Kemper sides). Add in Easter and Grandparent's Day at WA and we are super busy this month!
I enjoyed my b-day doing some of my favorite things---browsed in an antique shop and a used book store, went out to eat (people watching and chatting over a glass of wine), and ended with a bit of shopping (a new swim suit). Don't think that my whole day was this relaxing though...all of this was after I gave 4 haircuts, did 5 loads of laundry, Jason smoked a brisket, I finalized the taxes, AND arranged the Easter Bunny treats! OH, and made the requested breakfast for my niece and nephew who spent the night...pancakes and bacon! Am I crazy? I did have a nice day celebrating my older age....I make it a habit to forget how old I am, so it is quite nice to have "my day" with no thought to age :)

Lydia is enjoying the birthday celebrations. She loves watching others be happy and is content to be a part of any type of action even if it is not focused on her!

Jack continues to be our serious, yet goofy boy. He had a hard time on Sam's birthday, lamenting that he wasn't getting enough attention! On a birthday, that's a bit unreasonable; but on regular days though, if any child creates guilt in my heart, it is him!
I enjoyed my b-day doing some of my favorite things---browsed in an antique shop and a used book store, went out to eat (people watching and chatting over a glass of wine), and ended with a bit of shopping (a new swim suit). Don't think that my whole day was this relaxing though...all of this was after I gave 4 haircuts, did 5 loads of laundry, Jason smoked a brisket, I finalized the taxes, AND arranged the Easter Bunny treats! OH, and made the requested breakfast for my niece and nephew who spent the night...pancakes and bacon! Am I crazy? I did have a nice day celebrating my older age....I make it a habit to forget how old I am, so it is quite nice to have "my day" with no thought to age :)
Ben loves his fat duckie and blankie. He's our only "Linus" child. None of the others would commit to any particular stuffed friend! Duckie even joins Ben at dinner and enjoys being allowed to sleep in Mommy's bed on occasion :)
Lydia is enjoying the birthday celebrations. She loves watching others be happy and is content to be a part of any type of action even if it is not focused on her!
Jack continues to be our serious, yet goofy boy. He had a hard time on Sam's birthday, lamenting that he wasn't getting enough attention! On a birthday, that's a bit unreasonable; but on regular days though, if any child creates guilt in my heart, it is him!
As the "middle" he does get gypped quite a bit, because the personalities and ages of the others require a lot of attention. He is very self-sufficient and can occupy himself, so he does get less "intervention"---needs less correction, more independent. I hate to say, but it does take special effort in making sure he doesn't get overlooked because he's so low-maintenance! He does let us know if he's feeling left-out though...usually an all out blow-up that lasts several hours (which is what happened on the evening of Sam's b-day) :)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
An Egg Hunt
We made it over to the Clubhouse for the neighborhood egg hunt. Eggs were found, but no one wanted to get near the Easter Bunny. My kiddos are always wary of huge costumed figures and I don't blame them. It is a bit freakish if you really think about it...the types of things that little ones see in scary dreams!
Friday, April 3, 2009
My baby is 9...Happy Birthday, Sam!
Nine years ago, my sweet first-born came into the world. I hope that I will never forget the moment I first stared into his blinking, curious eyes. It was a moment full of awe and wonder; also a moment of fear, relief, and happiness. What a huge day! The birth of a child is such a miraculous and overwhelming event! 
Even today, nine years later, I experience these same emotions as I watch Sam grow up! Awe, in living with him every day...realizing what a wonderful person he is, how intelligent he is, seeing the compassion that flows from his heart, and the craziness that he brings to our home. His impulsiveness, boundless energy and free-thinking is a challenge most days, and brings fear to a mother's heart when I ponder what will become of him if he doesn't learn to harness those qualities that God has given him! Sam looks over his new "Magic Eyes" book (visual puzzles).
Tonight we celebrated his birthday at Siki, the local Japanese Steakhouse. I figured that he would choose someplace more common, but wasn't surprised as it was his opportunity to experience some fire! Birthday dinners are getting more pricey, as they are learning to forgo the chicken strips and appreciate the steak and shrimp instead. We're in trouble once they realize the difference between the sirloin and the filet...that will come soon I think :)
pic...Sam holding the plate of pink cakes. I think that he might become a pastry chef (if his inventions don't turn out).
pic...Sam holding the plate of pink cakes. I think that he might become a pastry chef (if his inventions don't turn out).
Some pics of our chef entertaining us. Notice the flames jumping out towards the kids? I think Lydia almost got her face singed off. She left with some pink cheeks! The chef made it up to her for scaring the wits out of her with fire, by hooking her up with tiny bits of diced steak and shrimp, and a huge pile of fried rice.
Ben was successful with his "kid chop-sticks" and eagerly ate his plateful of steak... "no rice!" he yelled at the chef. Thankfully the guy was cheerful and was not offended by our verbose child.
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