A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gotcha Day and a Snow Day in KC

Today is the one year anniversary of Lydia's "Gotcha Day" (or the day she was placed in our arms at the orphanage). I can hardly believe that it has been a year since she's been in our family. She is extremely happy, energetic, and strong-willed all packaged in a remarkably beautiful little girl. We are wonderfully blessed and fortunate to have her. Here she models a Christmas apron Grandma Kemper made for her.

While I'm sure other families celebrate their Gotcha Days in a very exciting way, today was a snow day here in KC and I am trying to get ready for Christmas activities, so our day is a bit lame.

Snow days revolve around costumes, cocoa, popcorn, and bascially relaxing and random play in our house. Maybe I'll get to read or write today? Probably not as all are expecting some extraordinary day because they are home from school---I believe my Mommy entertainment is usually a let-down. I did snap a few pics though. Here is the first round of costumes for the day...a strange mix of super heros and a pirate/indian?

We did manage to put together a gingerbread house without too much tragedy (prepackaged of course). As usual Dad lamented the fact that there is candy involved. Fortunately the boys were content to glue the stuff on instead of eat it. The house stayed together quite well (what is that icing anyway? I think it is really a sweet glue...Sam licked it once and I cringed at the thought of his body battling the chemical goo). I finally convinced them that we aren't going to eat the rock hard gingerbread walls that were probably manufactured last year ;-)

Christmas surprises arrived in the mail today from Gma/Gpa Kemper in the form of cold cash. That IS exciting...now they can spend the rest of the afternoon deciding what to buy...the letters to Santa continue, but strangely they never ask how to mail it to him. Jack accuses us everyday of being Santa. I ignore such ridiculous comments, acting incredulous at the thought of it. But Jason uses it as a form of entertainment...the morning commute conversation this month has revolved around Santa facts/possibilities. Jason has convinced them that Santa would most definately need nourishment besides sweets...perhaps pizza, maybe a warm and festive drink? The boys were very interested in that and now are scheming how to get him some real food. But unfortunatley we are staying at an Inn in Indiana and are unable to make this happen for poor Santa this year...cookies it will be, and not homemade either!

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