Can't believe Jack is 7 ! The night he arrived, we had to leave the Oktoberfest in LS to get to the hospital and finally at 3 am (exhausting), he appeared. What a chubs when he came out, and a big mop of dark hair! Still has the thick hair (which seems to be getting darker).
Jack is our considerate one, and will basically give you the shirt off his back, the food from his plate, or the last piece of gum.
He really loves to look at his baby pictures on his birthday each year...what precious pictures of Sam and him as the two brothers :) I stared at pictures of them for awhile tonight, Sam hugging Jack's little baby neck...and thinking about what buds they've always been.
Tonight, Sam helped Jack read his math page; the whole while, Jack stroked Sam's finger in affection while he listened, appreciating that his older brother would take the time to help him...awww....I hope they will always have this bond.
We spent his birthday weekend at G'ma and G'pa's, where he wanted a bonfire and cookout. Not only did he get his wish, but I was told that he had THE best birthday ever! Well, that's good to hear...a mom never wants to hear that they had the worst event of their little life :)
Jack spent the day doing all things he enjoys---road his motorcycle, shot his new bow (insane, I know), and shot the .22 with G'pa and Dad (again, insanity). Then doughnuts to school for his friends and went out for steak in the evening. Let the Fall birthdays begin---Avery, G'ma, and Lydia are next!
I love you, my middle boy.
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