A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lydia Has Learned To Sing !

I have figured out how to post video!!! We've got so many cameras around this place, but only one that can collect snippets of digital video. Quality isn't that great, but it's something!

Lydia's language is bursting...now she comes up with all kinds of creative sentences, typically 5-7 words in length :) Some of her most recent exclamations: "No I don't want to go bed Mommy" or "He need get off my bike!"

The past few nights, she has been able to string together most of the phrasing in her favorite songs. Ignore me in the background...she sings best on my lap and holding the camera out without knowing if she was in the frame was a trick :)


  1. So adorable! You guys should get a webcam and Skype account so we can video chat online!

  2. Have a webcam on my laptop...I'll check into Skype! We were going to try it on the adoption trip, but didn't have the cams then.
