Sam is such a jabber-box...often I wonder how he can possibly talk so much, even when no one is really listening! I can hear him blabbing from the moment he wakes up. Today I was hiding in bed at 6 a.m. I could hear the boys were up, and Sam was sitting in the kitchen monologuing to Jack about reptile facts or the inventions that he will someday create. I'm not sure how long I lay there listening to his muffled voice through the floor, but I remember marveling at how that boy can TALK!
A few of his funny notions today....
"Mom, which would you prefer to meet, a snake or a huge spider?" that really all of the choices I get? "No really, which is least scary?" uh..that really I bigger than the spider and can smash it? or did the spider land on my face?
"Mom, I'm really glad I don't have a freaky mom like some people..." oh really, what would you consider that verbal battle we had yesterday about his math? I'd say I was a bit freaky....glad he doesn't think so after the fact. :)
"Mom, when I make my inventions, I think the first one will be some kind of hydro-planing helicopter-type thingy..." as he paces the kitchen on his Heelies (says they help him "think").
And the best of all, they are worried about their Daddy leaving tomorrow...
"Dad, why did you have to get this new job? Are you ever coming back? I think you just need to find a new one....I think you should get a job working at Siki (the Japanese Steakhouse)...that would be a cool job. You know you get to grill and squirt fire at people..."
LOL!!! That coming from the totally-serious Pyro who just finished staring into the fireplace for an hour.
Oh, to be 9 again---when life is simple, dreams are yet to be accomplished, and anything is possible because your thoughts come to life through your nonsense blabber :))) And that's the way it should be....
A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Waking up to White
Strangely the boys didn't ask to go out in the snow until about 10:00. Lydia face-planted as soon as she got out there and then Ben started bellowing because his mittens were falling off.
I usually try to delay the snow mess as long as I can :) Thirty minutes of prep getting geared up, out there for about 15 minutes, and then an hour of mess in my kitchen. Now, I'm looking at soggy clothes, dripping boots, and runny noses as they drink cocoa and eat popcorn.
But, FUN FUN! Maybe a movie for them, and a nap for me :)
Lazy Saturday....
Monday, February 23, 2009
As I knew it would, the time has come which has totally broken my heart...the time to say goodbye to my favorite client.
Since this little boy was in second grade, I have worked with him each week, sometimes several times a week. This person (who happens to have autism) is not a little boy anymore---he is now sixteen (!), and for the past nine years he and I have tackled the issues that he has most difficulty skills and talking with other people.
His family has given me the gift of continuing to work with him each week throughout my private practice days, even until now. But, as life (and my schedule) are changing, I am no longer able to meet with him during our once a week outings in the community.
Several times, people I knew would see us out in the community---him struggling to communicate effectively with the counter girl at Starbuck's, and me (the by-stander), coaching him through it. I wanted to burst out with how proud I was of his courage and determination---to do things that are so difficult, but persisting because he knows it will make him better in the end! That always embarrassed him though, so I was forced to hold back the gushing raves.
The people that I had him interacting with---the Border's bookstore worker, the guy in Best Buy, the waiter in a restaurant---could never understand just how difficult his assignments really were. I know they often wondered what we were up to...but each week he pushed himself a bit further until the job of interacting with people became no big deal. Just recently, he flawlessly ordered my tall decaf cafe mocha---eye contact, answering questions, repairing communication breakdown with the nit-wit counter girl, and all! :)
I left their house crying tonight, after his bear hug squeezed the tears out of me. I'm still sitting here weeping as I think of how far he has come and that I have had the blessing of helping him along the way! This is why I do what I do---broken heart and all! That kid has become a part of who I am, almost like my own child. The little boy that used to hold my hand in the school hallway telling me "I can't", now towers over me by a foot and tells me "I can." :)
I left with his words ringing in my ears "Mrs. Kemper, you've taught me everything I know...I'll miss you" as he runs down the stairs engaging in a George Lopez monologue... :))
I'll miss you too, C.O.---most will never understand the struggles that you overcome have MUCH to be proud of!
Since this little boy was in second grade, I have worked with him each week, sometimes several times a week. This person (who happens to have autism) is not a little boy anymore---he is now sixteen (!), and for the past nine years he and I have tackled the issues that he has most difficulty skills and talking with other people.
His family has given me the gift of continuing to work with him each week throughout my private practice days, even until now. But, as life (and my schedule) are changing, I am no longer able to meet with him during our once a week outings in the community.
Several times, people I knew would see us out in the community---him struggling to communicate effectively with the counter girl at Starbuck's, and me (the by-stander), coaching him through it. I wanted to burst out with how proud I was of his courage and determination---to do things that are so difficult, but persisting because he knows it will make him better in the end! That always embarrassed him though, so I was forced to hold back the gushing raves.
The people that I had him interacting with---the Border's bookstore worker, the guy in Best Buy, the waiter in a restaurant---could never understand just how difficult his assignments really were. I know they often wondered what we were up to...but each week he pushed himself a bit further until the job of interacting with people became no big deal. Just recently, he flawlessly ordered my tall decaf cafe mocha---eye contact, answering questions, repairing communication breakdown with the nit-wit counter girl, and all! :)
I left their house crying tonight, after his bear hug squeezed the tears out of me. I'm still sitting here weeping as I think of how far he has come and that I have had the blessing of helping him along the way! This is why I do what I do---broken heart and all! That kid has become a part of who I am, almost like my own child. The little boy that used to hold my hand in the school hallway telling me "I can't", now towers over me by a foot and tells me "I can." :)
I left with his words ringing in my ears "Mrs. Kemper, you've taught me everything I know...I'll miss you" as he runs down the stairs engaging in a George Lopez monologue... :))
I'll miss you too, C.O.---most will never understand the struggles that you overcome have MUCH to be proud of!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Getting Things Done
The easiest way for us to tackle our To Do list around here, is to have several extra hands and someone to initiate the tasks.
This weekend it was my mom and dad that got us in gear to get things done! Dad installed a garage door opener, Mom and the boys put together Lydia's table and chair set (a Christmas gift!), and Dad and Jason fixed a leaky sink. If it weren't for our folks, we would never accomplish anything! It takes a couple of people to entertain the kids and the others to do the work. My mom though, is very patient and will involve the little ones in the tasks---I did not inherit that quality from her!
This weekend it was my mom and dad that got us in gear to get things done! Dad installed a garage door opener, Mom and the boys put together Lydia's table and chair set (a Christmas gift!), and Dad and Jason fixed a leaky sink. If it weren't for our folks, we would never accomplish anything! It takes a couple of people to entertain the kids and the others to do the work. My mom though, is very patient and will involve the little ones in the tasks---I did not inherit that quality from her!
A Saturday afternoon...
Happiness today was....
....spending the afternoon with my old sorority roommate, laughing together and trying on dresses in Nordstrom. We haven't seen each other in several years and it was great to pick up where we left off, reminiscing about the times we skipped class at MU to go shopping. In between trying several dresses, she declared, "There is no way I would guess you are the mom of four kids!"
Thanks my friend---you made my week! There are many days when I feel I must look like the mom of ten kids!
And you, girl, should have bought that dress---it looked awesome!
....spending the afternoon with my old sorority roommate, laughing together and trying on dresses in Nordstrom. We haven't seen each other in several years and it was great to pick up where we left off, reminiscing about the times we skipped class at MU to go shopping. In between trying several dresses, she declared, "There is no way I would guess you are the mom of four kids!"
Thanks my friend---you made my week! There are many days when I feel I must look like the mom of ten kids!
And you, girl, should have bought that dress---it looked awesome!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Work Scene...Ugh!
The time has come---the telecom job fiasco has finally hit!
Jason left Sprint in December and moved to a new WiFi-type company that's launching a new technology. Unfortunately, because of the economy the KC markets have been eliminated and what's left? Major cities...Chicago, NYC, etc. As of today, Jason will be doing "contract work" with Clearwire out of NYC. He is to report there on March 2nd after returning from a lame trip to DC this week.
Annoying and interesting, to say the least. So far, he hasn't blown up and quit...which is a surprising plus! So we will still have our house and food. We'll see what next week brings. I am a serious optimist and know that hurdles are just put into place to be jumped over for some kind of victory! Hmmm....I never did well in hurdles though, and I think my sister broke her arm doing that...uh....never mind that analogy :)
What to do? Anyone want a job as a live-in nanny? Um...except I can't pay you---we do have a pretty full deep freeze on most occassions if frozen food is appealing? :))
Jason left Sprint in December and moved to a new WiFi-type company that's launching a new technology. Unfortunately, because of the economy the KC markets have been eliminated and what's left? Major cities...Chicago, NYC, etc. As of today, Jason will be doing "contract work" with Clearwire out of NYC. He is to report there on March 2nd after returning from a lame trip to DC this week.
Annoying and interesting, to say the least. So far, he hasn't blown up and quit...which is a surprising plus! So we will still have our house and food. We'll see what next week brings. I am a serious optimist and know that hurdles are just put into place to be jumped over for some kind of victory! Hmmm....I never did well in hurdles though, and I think my sister broke her arm doing that...uh....never mind that analogy :)
What to do? Anyone want a job as a live-in nanny? Um...except I can't pay you---we do have a pretty full deep freeze on most occassions if frozen food is appealing? :))
Saturday, February 14, 2009
25 Random Things About Me
This has been circulating on FaceBook I guess, so I took the challenge of trying to think of 25 interesting things about myself. Posted here just for fun for those readers that aren't on FB--Andrea, I'm talking to you! It's kind of hard, but interesting what you come up with. Here's the list...
1. Been married for over 15 years and have known my husband since I was 14.
2. Have four children---three boys and one girl.
3. My daughter was born in China and is the most beautiful, cheerful toddler I've ever met!
4. I am a Speech Pathologist and now work as a Professor.
5. I owned a private practice for 5 years.
6. I lived in Southern California for 7 years---would move back there in an instant if we could afford it!
7. I would rather be at the ocean....
8. Before I die I want to publish something...magazine articles, novel...
9. I'm addicted to Chipotle burrito bowls.
10. My greatest fear is being trapped in a submerged vehicle...eeek!!
11. I've been in love twice, and married my best friend.
12. I've been to China twice, and climbed the Great Wall in two different sections.
13. -----should I put something here, since it's "13"---I'm a bit superstitious like my G'ma...she was always full of those little sayings to prevent bad luck...i still don't like to step on cracks or go under ladders..but my G'ma said if you say "bread and butter" when encountering those, you will save yourself! She was funny...Isn't that silly?
14. If I were stranded on a deserted island, I would insist on an unlimited supply of paper and pens as necessities---I would soon breathe my last if I couldn't write (I guess I could write in the sand with my finger, couldn't I?).
15. I'm very impatient and impulsive....geez, is this list done yet???
16. I'm VERY strong-willed, but can be agreeable... if it means I end up getting what I want....just kidding (not really).
17. I once lived in Austria for a summer, and found my Austrian friend on FB!
18. I don't like chocolate.
19. I love to do laundry! In fact watching the washer spin almost puts me in a trance and I sometimes find myself staring into it for a long time---am I normal?
20. I don't watch t.v.---too impatient and get annoyed with the ridiculous material on there.
21. I swear by supplements to avoid sickness and increase energy---Emerald Greens is my daily necessity and got me through endless nights with baby boys that don't sleep!
22. I dream in color and in events that are first person---what does that mean? not sure why I wrote that....I'm running out of stuff to say.
23. I love to play tea party with my young clients in therapy---fake chocolate cakes and pretty teacups are so fun! I guess because I know that isn't my real life :)
24. I'm married to a Navy Seal/007 wanna-be !
25. I once couldn't find my middle son (when he was 2) and thought he had been kidnapped from our yard. We found him about 7 minutes later---he had climbed in the car which was parked in the street, and was sitting in the back seat, sweaty and hot. The most frightening moment of my life....
Try it! It's kind of difficult to think of 25 interesting things...was for me anyway--perhaps I'm a bit lame!
1. Been married for over 15 years and have known my husband since I was 14.
2. Have four children---three boys and one girl.
3. My daughter was born in China and is the most beautiful, cheerful toddler I've ever met!
4. I am a Speech Pathologist and now work as a Professor.
5. I owned a private practice for 5 years.
6. I lived in Southern California for 7 years---would move back there in an instant if we could afford it!
7. I would rather be at the ocean....
8. Before I die I want to publish something...magazine articles, novel...
9. I'm addicted to Chipotle burrito bowls.
10. My greatest fear is being trapped in a submerged vehicle...eeek!!
11. I've been in love twice, and married my best friend.
12. I've been to China twice, and climbed the Great Wall in two different sections.
13. -----should I put something here, since it's "13"---I'm a bit superstitious like my G'ma...she was always full of those little sayings to prevent bad luck...i still don't like to step on cracks or go under ladders..but my G'ma said if you say "bread and butter" when encountering those, you will save yourself! She was funny...Isn't that silly?
14. If I were stranded on a deserted island, I would insist on an unlimited supply of paper and pens as necessities---I would soon breathe my last if I couldn't write (I guess I could write in the sand with my finger, couldn't I?).
15. I'm very impatient and impulsive....geez, is this list done yet???
16. I'm VERY strong-willed, but can be agreeable... if it means I end up getting what I want....just kidding (not really).
17. I once lived in Austria for a summer, and found my Austrian friend on FB!
18. I don't like chocolate.
19. I love to do laundry! In fact watching the washer spin almost puts me in a trance and I sometimes find myself staring into it for a long time---am I normal?
20. I don't watch t.v.---too impatient and get annoyed with the ridiculous material on there.
21. I swear by supplements to avoid sickness and increase energy---Emerald Greens is my daily necessity and got me through endless nights with baby boys that don't sleep!
22. I dream in color and in events that are first person---what does that mean? not sure why I wrote that....I'm running out of stuff to say.
23. I love to play tea party with my young clients in therapy---fake chocolate cakes and pretty teacups are so fun! I guess because I know that isn't my real life :)
24. I'm married to a Navy Seal/007 wanna-be !
25. I once couldn't find my middle son (when he was 2) and thought he had been kidnapped from our yard. We found him about 7 minutes later---he had climbed in the car which was parked in the street, and was sitting in the back seat, sweaty and hot. The most frightening moment of my life....
Try it! It's kind of difficult to think of 25 interesting things...was for me anyway--perhaps I'm a bit lame!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Time to "get with it"
Well, I think that I do pretty well in keeping up with the times, picking and choosing what I participate in to stay "hip" and "with it." But, I guess I've been missing out on something...
I knew it was time to re-evaluate my "hip-ness" when Jack's sixty-something Kindergarten teacher asked, "You're on Facebook aren't you?" Hmm... "No," I replied sheepishly, "should I be?" Then she proceeded to tell me how neat it is to chat with old (and new) friends and that I was really missing out.
Well after that convo, I thought, "Isn't that for teenagers?" and went home to check it out. I was surprised to find as I searched for friends that "everybody" is on Facebook---except me! So, I sent out a few "invites to be friends" and now I'm a groupie too. This morning already, I chatted with several people that I haven't talked to in years! How cool! With a twenty-year reunion coming up, this techie-tool should be a great way to find people.
Maybe I have risen on the cool meter? Don't know about that, but it's amazing what we can do these days to stay in to figure out all of the stuff on FB, so I don't look like a newbie!
I knew it was time to re-evaluate my "hip-ness" when Jack's sixty-something Kindergarten teacher asked, "You're on Facebook aren't you?" Hmm... "No," I replied sheepishly, "should I be?" Then she proceeded to tell me how neat it is to chat with old (and new) friends and that I was really missing out.
Well after that convo, I thought, "Isn't that for teenagers?" and went home to check it out. I was surprised to find as I searched for friends that "everybody" is on Facebook---except me! So, I sent out a few "invites to be friends" and now I'm a groupie too. This morning already, I chatted with several people that I haven't talked to in years! How cool! With a twenty-year reunion coming up, this techie-tool should be a great way to find people.
Maybe I have risen on the cool meter? Don't know about that, but it's amazing what we can do these days to stay in to figure out all of the stuff on FB, so I don't look like a newbie!
Spring weather in February!
Look at those ribs! Ben is a night-owl like he usually
hangs around playing while I'm up working on the computer. Can you tell he's a picky eater by the skin and bones physique? Here he is playing with his "alien chamber" building creatures with strange powers.
This is a typical after school "saber-scene" in my living room. It never ends! Due to the nice weather though, the saber-swinging Jedis moved outside---they are actually quite good with their maneuvers.
Lydia, wearing her little Mizzou outfit compliments of Uncle Bryant and Aunt Anika---black and gold seem to be her colors :)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
It's Brady's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to our nephew Brady on the Kemper side! He is Ben's buddy-in-crime. They are two bubble-gum chewing, watch-wearing cousins who love to get together when we are in JC. Brady is always somewhat concerned when we arrive---I think we are a bit rowdy for his taste :)
Have a great day little guy!
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