A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Where Did The Summer Go?

There are so many cliques to express how quickly life passes before us....and even sayings to help us remember to enjoy the present. "Time flies!" or "like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives" or "stop and smell the roses." However you choose to say it, really no words can express the helpless feeling one experiences as time slips through your fingers, never to be reclaimed. How quickly it gets away from us, needing to be savored and enjoyed!

I am frustrated nearly every day, that I cannot DO something about the passage of time. Maybe it's my control-freakishness, the micro-manager in me, or perhaps my desire to get my own way, but it annoys me that the clock continues to tick, when I wish to pause the hands and sit to reflect on what is happening around me. I tend to have a busy mind that whirls at cyclone speed. It doesn't take a rest until it either 1) crashes, or 2) is harnessed with extreme effort and forced to cooperate on a task. My mind would rather travel into thoughts of the past or the future, instead of focusing on what is important...the present!

So, once again I am saying to myself...where did the past few months go? It now seems a blur of activity in my mind. Thankfully, someone invented a way for us to capture our moments on film so that the images aren't lost forever (or more likely, distorted) in the abyss called the mind.

FINALLY, I am forcing myself to slow down and review the fun we had this summer. Twas not all fun and games; but as I look at these images I am reminded that a mom's exhaustion equals a child's fun and is the way to create happy memories, rather than a dull recollection of dreary chores and constant work. Bottom line...we did have fun this summer! Sometimes it took lots of effort to have a joyful spirit, but we did a lot (which was a goal), I spent nearly every moment with my munchkins (which was another goal), and I spent a lot of time reflecting and rejuvenating so that I can press on (which was the ultimate goal of the summer) :))

Pics...Jack really liked his art class at the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum. He has his Dad's talent for creativity and artistic abilities (and the patience to create). He made some great sculptures and paintings and we are waiting to see if his project will be put on display at the Museum.

While he had class, the other three and I had to find ways to entertain ourselves at the Plaza...not too difficult (when everyone is cooperating). A few things we discovered 1) you can walk from the Art Museum to the McDonald's on the Plaza, have a Coke and an ice cream and walk back with tons of time to spare (with breaks by the fountains too), 2) it is fun to picnic under the gigantic Badminton birdie sculptures that rest on the lawn, 3) the Kaufman Memorial Garden is an extremely beautiful, peaceful, and solitary place to whittle away the hours nearby(the kids loved the fountains and shoots of water that chased them through the foliage...I loved the thought of returning there without any kids to sit in peace).


July also offered a camping trip with Anika's and Andrea's families...lots of work, but fun! Camping and floating with 9 kids is a challenge, but we made it! Here Emma and Jack enjoy their S'mores.

This pic is a rarity for sure...all four sound asleep, and in the middle of the day! The floating and camping exhausted us all. The six man tent that Jason got was a hit...I enjoyed the cabin with my sisters (except we got stuck with the 2 year-olds as usual).
The float was really nice..I've never gone on a float trip believe it or not. It was beautiful and peaceful. Sam was my canoe partner most of the way, and I must say....that boy can paddle! He looked like Merriweather Lewis (or maybe what's-his-name Clark) at the front of our canoe scouting for wildlife or examining the terrain, with his paddle slowly, but steadily, dipping into the quiet water...a very quaint scene from the back of the boat. He was surprised that his momma could maneuver us out of some swift current and actually was impressed by my amateur canoeing skills.

No summer is complete without a trip to Fritz's Railroad Restaurant, where the food is questionable, but the atmosphere is fascinating and helps you overcome the doubts in your mind about what you are putting in your mouth! As usual, the boys loved to watch the trains deliver their food and were all smiles for an entire hour. Afterwards, we headed to the chaos in Kaleidoscope, where we tried to do some art amidst the hundreds of kids in there :)

We also made it to the Lego exhibit in Crown Center, where there were fabulous displays of some guy's Lego art. The kids built with bricks and we marveled at the creations. Lydia almost pushed over a display that was a 7-foot tall pencil made of thousands of Lego's...thus, time to exit before disaster!
Upstairs we found a sweet Chinese lady who has a shop of imported Chinese tea (directly from their family farm in north-central China, she informed me) and jade jewelry. She and Lydia chatted about their Chinese names while I scoped out a cool Jade medallion....again, time to leave when the boys started wrestling around the displays of necklaces and teapots (images of bright green shards of broken jade and shattered Terra Cotta pots on the floor prompts one to leave in a hurry!)

One final destination in the last couple of weeks of July, was our trip to Science City and the Narnia exhibit at Union Station....I really love that place. Science City is somewhat lame once you've been there before, but I could sit in the old train station forever, staring up at that beautiful ceiling and imagining the place packed with the bustle of travelers lugging their bags several decades ago. So much history floats around in there that you can almost feel that energy embedded in the tiles and spiraling through the dome and archways. We enjoyed a little greasy lunch in the diner (also with grand tall ceilings and oozing with a past). The Narnia exhibit was awesome (no pics allowed) and left us with a feeling that we had actually met Aslan the Lion and talked with Peter and Lucy :)))
Overall, July was packed and filled with fun...I won't discuss here the trials and traumas...as that is the type of junk that should be pondered and then dismissed (or shoved) to the deep corners of the gray matter....so what remains? The happy images of my kids laughing, creating, imagining, pondering, and learning; and THAT, my friends is what we did this summer.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Value of Earning Money...Not Just a Handout

Today I smiled as I handed each older boy $21. Why would I smile at that? Well, they are slowly, but clearly, starting to learn the value (and payoff) of hard work. And I'm beginning to learn that they are VERY capable!

I am kind of against "allowance." That may sound stingy, or mean, or whatever....but the idea of just handing someone money, without making them lift a finger just doesn't sit right. Even a toddler can pick up toys off the floor to earn a few cents--it's not hard. So, why reward a child with money for doing nothing? There are some things in our house that are just expected; throw your stinky clothes down the laundry chute (no, you don't get money for that), put your soggy cereal bowl in the sink (again, no, you don't get cash). Now, however, the boys are getting quite capable of helping around the house...doing things that I consider "extra work." The type of thing that goes above and beyond daily living. And I will gladly pay them to do it, because that takes the work-load off of me!

I am happy to say that I now have a CLEAN white vinyl fence! When we installed that type of fencing, I knew that it would require some kind of maintenance (nothing is truly maintenance-free). It has been nearly five years and has never been scrubbed....SO, I offered the boys $1 per panel to scrub it. Sam quickly counted all of the panels and calculated that if they worked together, they would EACH have $21! THIS deal was worth it to them, as they now have "optional desirables" that they wish to purchase.

The chore was put off for awhile, but one evening Jason had them set up with soapy water and scrub brushes. After the first panel, they whined, they complained, they belly-ached. They even ditched the project for the evening. But that night, I heard them in bed planning and scheming what to do with their tons of money. By the next morning, they were refreshed and set to work scrubbing the ENTIRE fenced-off backyard---42, four-foot panels! That's ALOT of fence! They stayed out there all morning, scrubbing away, eventually finding a rhythm and easier way of accomplishing the chore. It was really neat to watch them work so hard, like 2 little Tom Sawyers painting the fence....all because they wanted to EARN that money.

The fence is clean (and maybe not as good as we adults could have done); but nonetheless, the chore was complete from beginning to end and the $42 was gladly handed over. Yea, new workers around my house! And, they are learning the value and rewards of hard work...no work, no pay :) Last night they grilled the burgers from start to finish...no pay, BUT they are proud that they can finally help out with adult-type tasks. This is going to be nice for a weary momma :)))

Now, wonder how much $$ will motivate them to weed the flowerbeds. And I wonder when they can start mowing? maybe painting? I think for now I'll stick with chores that don't involve sharp blades and are mostly "error-free" :)))

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Lake and Spa Shiki

For the first time ever, my sisters and I are all grown up enough to get to spend a weekend away together---no husbands, no kids, just us. With the only schedule to worry about...our spa appointments :)

My older sister was wise this year in asking for a special Mother's Day gift...a weekend away with her sisters. So, thank you to my bro-in-law Bryant for our treat to the Lodge of Four Seasons at the Lake!

It was heavenly to sleep in until 9, not worry about cleaning up soggy cereal bowls, nor worry about anyone at all---except ourselves! Fruity drinks were enjoyed by the pool (no splashing kids), we read the paper (I mean actually READ the paper!), browsed magazines (not Parent either), generated a list of our life's wishes, laughed, shared secrets, and dined on crab stuffed filet. Fun, yummy, and serene!

And Spa Shiki !!! Puffy white robes, cold citrus eye masks, rosemary infused face cloths, and the dry sauna---heaven! Good thing it is considered a "day spa" because we basically stayed there all day! Bryant treated us each to an hour massage and Pedi.


Wouldn't you know, I got the guy massage therapist...First my sisters laughed with relief because they didn't get him. Then they were jealous because I got the better massage...hee hee :) Geez, I think that is so awkward (and Jason was not too happy to hear about it).

The only other massage I've had was in China. A tiny Chinese girl who totally put me to sleep on the table...$26 for an hour :) This was a bit different---no Chinese girl, instead a strong guy, intent on whipping my muscles into shape. To my surprise, it wasn't as awkward as I thought, but instead refreshing and PAINFUL! I guess once you've had your Ob doc chatting away while he stitches you up in strange places, there is nothing embarrassing anymore. So, this guy burying his fingers into my shoulder muscles was no big deal. Very professional and informative.

He started by telling me that my back was a mess, that my spine muscles were tight as a spring, and "I think you should go for the Deep Tissue massage instead of the regular Swedish...it's only $20 bucks more." Really? Upgrade? If you say so, go for it (thanks again bro-in-law!)

By the end, I was about crying and almost yelped out in pain a couple of times. My muscles were so tight from schlepping kids around and burying stress for the past 10 years....painful! I lay there hoping that I wouldn't scream and imagined circle-shape bruises all over my body from his fingers smashing into my skin. I feared that I would look like a Dalmatian when I came out of there! It was definitely NOT relaxing, but I really did need it and could just imagine the toxins being smooshed out with every jab.

More importantly than Spa Shiki Guy brutalizing my skin and deep tissue, was that he offered out some really helpful advice for some symptoms that I'd been having. In fact, just by feeling my spine and neck, he could predict a host of minor ailments that I was having...creepy! Jaw pain, lower back pain, hormonal/emotional wackiness, stress of being responsible for five other people besides myself.... In between prodding, he says "Oh yeah, all that is caused by you being out of alignment...a good chiropractor is what you need and you'll feel good as new...able to take on anybody's crap with a smile" REALLY?? Sign me up!

Next post....my new obsession with my Chiropractor (well, not him personally) but his adjustments, acupuncture, and all that other alternative stuff---so cool! Thanks to my Sister's Weekend and Spa Shiki, I am refreshed and on the road to feeling normal...OK, somewhat normal, at least for awhile anyway :)

Now, to find a Day Spa here in Kansas City to keep the stress at bay---my new staple for mental health. Accupuncture and white puffy robes once a month anyone?

Flashback---4th of July

Some pics from the Fourth in Jeff. City...the boys got to spend the week before this with Gma and Gpa Kemper and Ben with Gma Poehlein....it was such a treat (for them and me!) I'm not really sure what Lydia and I did during that time. I think just recovery and maintaining mental health :) Seems this summer has been a time of recovering from the stress and anxiety of this past year. Thanks for the break Gma's and Gpa's---I hope to be back to normal soon, just in time for the school year to start :0

This picture cracks me up...lighter in hand, fingers in ears, running for cover! As they are getting older and more adept at the fireworks, I was reminded of what WE used to do---granted not when we were 6 years old, like Jack. But, we were just as crazy. This year, I got to sit in a chair at least for a little bit (until Lydia started getting into the firing range) and thought back on the 4th when I was young---picnics at someones house, watching fireworks at the Country Club where my Dad helped light them, playing Ghost in the Graveyard and Kick the Can in a friend's neighborhood. Ah, summer in a small town!

Again this Fourth, I spent sighing and battling the boys---who think they are invincible, can light anything, and are as careless as ever with a lit punk... :) Poor green army guys didn't stand a chance and were again blown up all over the yard. None of the real army guys left with holes or blood. BUT, Sam was proud to receive some minor battle wounds...his first firecracker that blew up in his fingers. Woo hoo! Luckily he had only singed skin and burn-rash on the tips (none blown off). He was more cautious after that.

Lydia was happy with a bag of poppers. I don't think she threw any of them hard enough to pop...you would think that would be frustrating; but she thought the idea was just to toss them out of the bag...2 year old success :)

Flashback to June---Father's Day

It is rare to have a pic with all of my Dad's grandchildren, especially on his Father's Day: 9 at the moment, with the 10th due to arrive in November (Andrea's, not mine!) :)

Here are our sweeties...Avery (4), Raina (4), Connor (2), Ben (4), Emma (8), Lydia (2), Sam (9), Grayson (6), and Jack (6).