For the first time ever, my sisters and I are all grown up enough to get to spend a weekend away together---no husbands, no kids, just us. With the only schedule to worry about...our spa appointments :)
My older sister was wise this year in asking for a special Mother's Day gift...a weekend away with her sisters. So, thank you to my bro-in-law Bryant for our treat to the Lodge of Four Seasons at the Lake!
It was heavenly to sleep in until 9, not worry about cleaning up soggy cereal bowls, nor worry about anyone at all---except ourselves! Fruity drinks were enjoyed by the pool (no splashing kids), we read the paper (I mean actually READ the paper!), browsed magazines (not Parent either), generated a list of our life's wishes, laughed, shared secrets, and dined on crab stuffed filet. Fun, yummy, and serene!
And Spa Shiki !!! Puffy white robes, cold citrus eye masks, rosemary infused face cloths, and the dry sauna---heaven! Good thing it is considered a "day spa" because we basically stayed there all day! Bryant treated us each to an hour massage and Pedi.
Wouldn't you know, I got the guy massage therapist...First my sisters laughed with relief because they didn't get him. Then they were jealous because I got the better massage...hee hee :) Geez, I think that is so awkward (and Jason was not too happy to hear about it).
The only other massage I've had was in China. A tiny Chinese girl who totally put me to sleep on the table...$26 for an hour :) This was a bit different---no Chinese girl, instead a strong guy, intent on whipping my muscles into shape. To my surprise, it wasn't as awkward as I thought, but instead refreshing and PAINFUL! I guess once you've had your Ob doc chatting away while he stitches you up in strange places, there is nothing embarrassing anymore. So, this guy burying his fingers into my shoulder muscles was no big deal. Very professional and informative.
He started by telling me that my back was a mess, that my spine muscles were tight as a spring, and "I think you should go for the Deep Tissue massage instead of the regular's only $20 bucks more." Really? Upgrade? If you say so, go for it (thanks again bro-in-law!)
By the end, I was about crying and almost yelped out in pain a couple of times. My muscles were so tight from schlepping kids around and burying stress for the past 10 years....painful! I lay there hoping that I wouldn't scream and imagined circle-shape bruises all over my body from his fingers smashing into my skin. I feared that I would look like a Dalmatian when I came out of there! It was definitely NOT relaxing, but I really did need it and could just imagine the toxins being smooshed out with every jab.
More importantly than Spa Shiki Guy brutalizing my skin and deep tissue, was that he offered out some really helpful advice for some symptoms that I'd been having. In fact, just by feeling my spine and neck, he could predict a host of minor ailments that I was having...creepy! Jaw pain, lower back pain, hormonal/emotional wackiness, stress of being responsible for five other people besides myself.... In between prodding, he says "Oh yeah, all that is caused by you being out of alignment...a good chiropractor is what you need and you'll feel good as to take on anybody's crap with a smile" REALLY?? Sign me up!

Next new obsession with my Chiropractor (well, not him personally) but his adjustments,
acupuncture, and all that other alternative stuff---so cool! Thanks to my Sister's Weekend and Spa
Shiki, I am refreshed and on the road to feeling normal...
OK, somewhat normal, at least for awhile anyway :)
Now, to find a Day Spa here in Kansas City to keep the stress at bay---my new staple for mental health. Accupuncture and white puffy robes once a month anyone?