Just as I write that on the planner, I realize that same week, I've scheduled an exam, am committed to reviewing student research papers, have to meet with 15+ students, and...oh yes, my 1st grader is depressed that I can't come to his Thanksgiving Feast, because I will be gone to a convention in New Orleans! AND, while I'm gone, Lydia starts her new dance class :( Ugh!!! The problem is that I am partially over committed from my own doing, and partially from things that can't be avoided...that's my life. Jason says he's going to start saying "no" for me. But, in retrospect over this past year, I think that I have really made progress in that area :) You wouldn't know it by looking at my calendar, but it's working.
This "full-time working mom" gig is not for the faint of heart for sure. By Friday night, I flop down in a chair or hide in my office upstairs and sit staring at the wall, wondering how I made it through the week, and how in the world I am going to make next week work out. But, by God's grace everything gets done and we scrape through. By the end of the week, everyone is still alive, my boys have clean uniforms on most days, homework gets done, book reports get written, and we even are able to make pretty decent projects----but, not without a lot of
Sam's class has been studying the Middle Ages in November, thus the assignment of a castle....to be planned and created in 5 days (what!?). Only a few moments of arguing and stomping because Dad wouldn't let him have full reign of the spray painting, and we got it completed the night before my flight....I was frantically packing bags while giving last minute instructions for how to make the outside look cool---Dad and son did not take
Thanksgiving is a special occasion at Whitefield. Sam (4th grade) has been studying the Middle Ages, thus their feast revolved around castles, knights, lords, and kings. He was to dress as Lord Thomas, so add that to the list of things needed before my flight...a costume! With Grandma's help, we pulled together some rich-looking Lord duds, complete with silk jacket, silver medallion, money bag of gold, and a feather in his hat.
Jack's 1st grade does the traditional Pilgrims and Indians. I was sorry to miss the Feast (and felt guilty that I didn't volunteer to
Being thankful that I'm still swimming and not sinking ;)
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