A Little Laughter, A Little Emotion.....A Lot of Reality

Sunday, September 6, 2009

First Day of School

Unbelievably, school is back in full swing! The past two years I have really avoided the thought of school starting, thinking that maybe if I don't acknowledge it, summer won't end? Illogical, I know. But it makes me feel more in control, until I realize that...ugh, everyone needs haircuts, new uniforms, crazily expensive shoes, something nutritious and exciting for lunch....and WHAT? all that needs to happen in 2 days?! Oops, guess I should stop procrastinating and face the inevitable.

We did manage to get all of that done, as usual. And the boys made it to class on time and looking fairly spiffy.

Sam is excited to be in 4th grade. This is the year he will begin Latin and the Progymnasmata (writing instruction). So far, he's doing well----memorization and language are his strength, so the Latin vocab (with gender), and verb endings are no sweat and his first attempt at writing fable has been tear-free :) Maybe he will be my multilingual or writing child?

Jack is loving 1st grade and he got one of our fav. teachers. She is sure tough and keeps them SUPER busy throughout the day, but she is fun and consistent. Jack is our math whiz and can whip out fact sheets in seconds and problem-solve in his head. Although he knows how to read, he avoids it (acting like he doesn't know how). And, I think that he has already been put in the lower reading group...annoying! He is definitely not the "language lover" that Sam is.

Although we are off to a good start, we have been delayed....by the second week of school, the flu has kept them home for ONE whole week! I am quite certain that it is H1N1 virus btw, because it has lasted forever in our typically hardy kids---news reports say that they are no longer calculating the cases, nor testing for it, and that if you have the flu, it is 99% likely to be "swine." So much for the hysteria...just recover and move on.

With this curriculum, any missed day creates much work to be finished at home, not to mention five days worth (which in my opinion, is torture for a parent)! The pile of books and papers is amazing. So, our strategy? Jason promised that if they were diligent in finishing it ALL, he would whisk them to Grandma's to play the Wii for 3 days over the holiday weekend. It worked! I've never seen them so focused or work so fast, especially with SO much to do!

The stack of missed work is complete. They are getting their game fix. And now I am left sitting in bed with chills and fever, spending my holiday coaxing Lydia into yet another nap (I think we slept a total of 5 hours this afternoon) :)

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