On this date in 2007, the most beautiful little girl in the world joined our life. Today is the day Lydia found her forever family :)
Three years later, I couldn't imagine my life without her. She loves life and is joyful beyond measure. She has more intrigue and energy than all of our boys put together and she is exactly what I needed to make my Mommy life complete.
Tonight I sang her little song about how we went around the world to find her, and this is what is on her mind at age 4.
Lydia: "What does my China Mommy do now...because I'm here with you?"
Me: "She misses you very much.....Your China Mommy loved you so much. She knew she would have a hard time taking care of you, so she helped us find you."
Eeek! These bedtime conversations happen more often as Lydia gets older. It gets tougher with every question, making sure that I say exactly what she needs to hear at this point in her life. It is so very hard. Heavy stuff for a little person. Praying that I'm giving her the answers that will help heal her heart and make her stronger and confident in who she is and how God designed her life. Most importantly, I want her to see how God has the power and will to take a tough situation and, in His perfection, make it all right and exactly as it should be.